The provisional tribunal quarterly statistics for the period October to December 2017 were published by the Ministry of Justice on 8 March 2018. It was reported that during this quarter:
- Since the abolition of employment tribunal fees, approximately 3,000 new cases were issued every month;
- The number of single claims and disposals received by employment tribunals rose by 90% and 21% respectively against the same period in 2016. This resulted in a 66% increase in the outstanding caseload;
- 4,800 applications were received by employment tribunals under the employment tribunal fee refund scheme. Of these, 3,337 refund payments were made, amounting to £2.76 million;
- Employment tribunals disposed of 7,775 claims during the quarter. This is down 30% on the same period in 2016. 31% of claims disposed of were settled via Acas, 21% were withdrawn and 8% were successful at hearing; and
- The number of multiple claims received by employment tribunals increased by 467%, and disposals decreased by 55% compared to the same quarter in 2016.