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New Guidance: Gender Pay Gap Reporting

New employer guidance has been published by the Government Equalities Office (‘GEO’). The guidance has been created with the aim of making gender pay gap reporting a simpler task with clearer instructions. It is also now easier to locate it all in one place on GOV.UK. While no factual changes have been made, duplicated information has been removed to streamline the guidance.

The guidance is now broken down into the following subheadings for user-ease:

  1. Who needs to report;
  2. When to report;
  3. What to report;
  4. Preparing data; and
  5. Making you calculations.

These updates have been published ahead of the forthcoming reporting deadlines, which are 31 March 2023 for public-sector organisations with over 250 employees and 5 April 2023 for private companies with over 250 employees.  

To view the guidance, please click here.