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Eight employers ‘named and shamed’ for failing to report gender pay gap.

Amaris Hospitality Limited and The Contact Company Ltd are two of the eight organisations named and shamed by the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) for failing to report on their gender pay gap for 2022-23.

By law, organisations with over 250 employees are required to annually publish data on gender pay gaps. Failure to report may lead to a warning notice from the EHRC, and ultimately formal action if there are any breaches of equality laws including a court order and an unlimited fine.

Of the 730 employers who received warnings from the EHRC, eight continue to refuse to comply and, have therefore been publicly named and shamed. The Equality Act 2010 (Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations do not include any civil enforcement procedures however, the EHRC has powers to enforce compliance for example, naming and shaming organisations that do not report on their gender pay gap.