Redundancies on the rise? A survey of 2,097 British businesses published by Acas has revealed that over the next three months, 37% of employers are likely to make redundancies. 56% of respondents were unlikely to make redundancies and 7% did not know. Of the large businesses surveyed (those employing more than 250 employees), 60% were likely to make redundancies, 33% were unlikely to do so and 7% did not know.
The survey, carried out by YouGov, revealed that of those participants who were likely to make redundancies, 27% were planning to do so more remotely (by video call or phone) and 33% were planning to do so more face-to-face, with 33% planning to use a mixture of both.
One in four (24%) participants stated that they were unaware of the law around consulting staff before making redundancies, a figure that increased to one in three (33%) in businesses with fewer than 50 workers.
The figures are evidence that the government needs to do more to protect jobs, both the Labour Party and the TUC stated.
Should you require any legal advice in connection with making redundancies, please contact the employment team at Morgan LaRoche.