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CIPD Report on zero-hour contracts

The CIPD published a report on 11 August titled Zero-hours contracts: Evolution and current status, which reflects how zero-hour contracts are used and sets out their benefits and disadvantages for both employers and workers. The report follows a survey of employers which suggests that the number of workers engaged on zero hours contracts is small, accounting for about 3% of total employment.

The report makes 4 recommendations. In summary, these are:

1. To introduce a right for variable hours workers to request a more stable contract or working arrangement after six months of employment;

2. Create a statutory code of practice on the responsible management of zero hours workers, including a requirement to pay compensation if workers’ shifts are cancelled at short notice;

3. Improve labour market enforcement, including through the creation of a single enforcement body and a stronger focus on supporting employer compliance; and

4. Abolish worker status to help clarify and enhance employment rights for zero hours workers and more widely.